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Use of Cell Phones While Driving Automobiles

Use of Cell Phones While Driving Automobiles

Q This week discuss a topic where each of us has an opinion. Consider a regulation banning the use of cell phones while driving automobiles. List the effects of the regulation and classify them as costs and benefits. Use material from our text and articles to support your response.

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In the United States, there are several laws for banning the use of cell phones while driving automobiles. There are different approaches by the states for banning such ill practices. Some of the laws and regulation can handle the use of mobile phones while driving. The National Conference of State Legislatures have reported tat several reasons are there behind the use of cell phones while driving and those lead to severe accidents in different part of the United States. Most of the bills have focused on banning the cell phone involvement while driving and some of the laws have been failed in the legislative committees (Zhou & Curry, 2015).